Shew I can’t believe it’s been over 2 weeks since my last post. I’m not sure if you noticed but we’ve moved. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and there’s still some work that needs to be done. So please let me know what you think. Also, please subscribe to the blog if you enjoy reading about us and what we get up to make sure you don’t miss out.

So let’s do a little catch up, shall we.

Adjusting to work
I’m back at work after 4 month’s maternity leave and the adjustment is taking too long. I’m finding it hard to get my mindset back to where it was before baby as well as finding a routine that works for us in the evening. I’m getting into bed at 11pm and it’s just way too late for someone that has to get up at 5am.

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They’re only little for so long
Harper is adjusting well at creche. She’s just over 4 months old and has started babbling, grabbing for things, and laughing this adorable little laugh. It seems like she’s started teething and the 4 month sleep regression is real. But we soldier on because we know that this too shall pass and they’re only little for so long.

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Not so needy
Ethan seems to be coping well with Harper around nowadays and isn’t as needy as he was in the beginning. He is also refusing for us to cut his hair, so for now, we’ll just go with it. As long as he lets me brush it and tie the front up so it’s out of his eyes, he can have his way.

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Feeling like a failure as a mom
Matthew is enjoying Grade 1 and his new teacher. The homework isn’t really an issue yet and he seems to be grasping the work he gets well. I am struggling with his attitude and mannerisms and not sure how to deal with it. I feel so out of my depth and like a failure as a mother. He makes me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing and I have no clue how to fix it. Any advice from the seasoned moms out there?

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A good change
Mark seems to have changed a bit in the last few weeks. He’s more attentive, showering us all with his humor and witty comments. He helps out immensely at home and does so without me having to ask. I’m not sure what it is but our communication has opened up and as such, we’re in a much better space in our marriage. Gosh, I love this man so.

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