
Muller Kids Adventures

Feeling pressured

2018 has begun and I'm sure some of you set out some New Year's resolutions or a word to live by for the year. I wish you everything of the best and hope you fulfill your resolutions. As mentioned in... Continue Reading →

2017 in review (even though we are almost halfway through Jan)

Happy New Year!!!! It's been a while since I was in this place and I must say, I missed my little blog. I've been off having adventures with my boys and just soaking in as much of Harper as I... Continue Reading →

Have I managed to convince Mark to sell the car?

This year, Mark and I have been married for 8 years and together for 16 years. We've moved homes three times and have 3 children together. We also changed cars 6 times in the last 8 years. 6 times!! The... Continue Reading →

Review: Kidloland Nursery Rhymes, Songs, Stories, Activities, Games for Kids

My boys love visiting my dad. Not only because they love being around him and love getting spoilt, but because he has unlimited wifi access and they get to watch YouTube videos the entire time they're there. I have a... Continue Reading →

Our Christmas Wishlists

It's my favourite time of the year and the magic is real in our home. It's also a kinda crappy time now because we're still missing my mom and finances could be a whole lot better. So to cheer myself... Continue Reading →

I need your help please (it’s for the children)

It's that time of year, where the days are warmer, we look forward to some time off from work to spend with our loved ones, we go gift shopping and plan our Christmas meals. The kids page through toy catalogues... Continue Reading →

Goodness Gang just got better

I'm an avid reader but I've been lax when it comes to reading to the boys. I always wanted (and still do) to share my love of reading with my children but life and time (and tiredness and and and).... Continue Reading →

I’m guilty of not sharing the tough times

Why don't we like to share the tough or not so good times we're going through with close friends? Everything is always "fine" or "we're all good, thanks", when we're asked "How are things?". Are we afraid of being judged?... Continue Reading →

*CLOSED* *WIN* with Huggies PLUS a R500 Adidas voucher

With a newborn in the house, we are flying through nappies and wipes at an alarming rate. I will change a poop nappy, and then immediately after, Harper will mess a clean nappy. Why do they do this? I kinda... Continue Reading →

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